To The Wolf at the Door on his birthday,
There's a wolf at the door, but I'm lucky that you live on the inside with me.
Lessons from a Senior Dog
This year you taught me that slowing down only means that you have more time to appreciate all of the things around us. Time to meet with your friends in the park, say HI to someone new, argue with the crows, and even time to watch the rabbits figure out which way you're going to move during our many walks in the park.
You still surprise me with the occasional full body tackle when I get home or talking me into an extra walk at the end of a long hard day (your indoor voice leaves something to be desired, or at least that is what the neighbors tell me.) This year you figured out how to be even closer to the point that you're now a 75 pound lap dog, so that I can give you a belly rub while I watch TV on the couch. And speaking of 75 pounds, together, we did the impossible and lost that extra weight that we knew would be trouble for your aching joints later in life.
There's a little girl that we see on our walk that calls you Lobo, but you'll always be Rusty to me, waiting by the door for me to come home or to protect me from the monsters on the other side.
I love you buddy.
Your boy,
You're awesome Jeff!!