Bark Out Loud For Liberty
July 06, 2012
We hope everyone had a Happy Independence Day and took some of our Independence Day Safety Tips to heart. In case you were wondering, they work just as well during thunderstorms.
We just learned that Lennox, the pitbull that isn't really a pitbull that the Belfast City Council confiscated, has received a date (Monday, July 9, 2012) to be euthanized. If you haven't signed the petition or reached out to the Council to do the right thing, check out the video and do what you can. We'll keep you posted on the outcome. We're hopeful that the Council changes it's mind in the 11th hour.
July represents SeniorPooch's one year anniversary. We're always looking for great stories about senior dogs, interesting products and books that we can review, as well as your own tips & tricks. Send them over our way and we'll see what we can do about getting a post or two crafted to show that there are many senior dogs out there waiting for a home and the few of us that have recognized this have a responsibility to share the message.