How to Stop Your Senior Dog from Peeing in the House
Have you ever returned home after a tiring day only to be met with an unpleasant surprise –a puddle of urine on the flo…
Rusty isn't a big fan of toys. Given the choice he's more likely to take a nap rather than spend time with a ne…
We hope you got everything you wanted this Christmas. If you're spending some extra time home this holiday season…
Get your own reindeer Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays to our friends all over the world. Peac…
If you look on the back of most pet food containers you'll see a warning about introducing your dog to a new diet t…
Every year, thousands of dogs are forced to where either a Santa hat or reindeer antlers in the weeks leading up to Chr…
Pretty shortly after launching SeniorPooch.com I was amazed at the traffic that I was coming in from around the globe. …
SeniorPooch.com has been around for six months and some sixty some-odd posts, not including those on adoption. I can…
You've seen the commercials: The parents sipping their coffee by the Christmas tree as the kids run down stairs …
I couldn't be any happier with this month's Adoption Update. We've had months that more dogs have been ad…
I came across Rescued Unwanted Furry Friends (RUFF) Rescue several months ago when starting SeniorPooch.com . After ex…
There is always a price to be paid. Always. Rusty's price for all of the smiles that he gives away to all of th…
This year, Rusty has a lot to be thankful for, so I figured I would jot down just a few of the things that make this ol…
I hesitate to say that senior dogs are necessarily more mature or have fully developed personalities, but having "…
...simply open up that door politely and tell them to buzz off. Here we have Boo Boo Dog doing just that by sticking …
The following was passed along to me from our friend, Lillian Cox, who received a call from Stacy Steel, the Executive …
Back in 2007, when I adopted Boo Boo, he was a meek little guy who just wanted to be left alone. Over the course of th…
It was a good month for adoptions here at SeniorPooch.com : Thanks go out to Cathy Grovenburg, and Melissa Lisbon fo…
PetFinder.com has done it again. This month it's Adopt-A-Senior-Pet month. They don't have a dedicated page f…
Do you think dogs think any differently about their foster parents than those that eventually end up adopting them? I…
The Batman is elusive. The Batman is just. The Batman's will is stronger than mine. Twenty minutes of wrestling w…
Leslie Lee is a fantastic writer of equally fantastic tales of fiction. However there's nothing fake about the fol…
All dogs, no matter how old, deserve a warm place to live and someone who can share their golden years. I found my two …
Melissa and one of her inspirations behind SJAA, Newbie I had the good fortune to reconnect with Melissa Lisbon, p…
Party responsibly Today would have been Boo Boo's fourth birthday with me. He was a good soldier, but the battl…
The first few months have been very good to SeniorPooch.com and I'd like to thank those of you who have contributed…
Originally posted on JeffNarucki.com, December 8. 2009 Captain Canine Writers can spend a lifetime looking for their …
Sometimes muses provide more practical support
Most of your older dogs are just going to be happy with a nice quiet place to sleep and the security knowing that you…
But I only ate twice today (not including that rabbit) Rusty continues to fight the battle of the bulge, but I think…
I just received a note from Sherri Franklin, the founder of Muttville , to help get them nominated to win $10,000 for …
This posts kicks off a series on the benefits of adopting and owning senior dogs. I'd still like to hear from all o…
We got Penny as a puppy from my aunt. It seemed like she was always part of us. Always around, but never underfoot. …
Rusty, already comfortable in his new surroundings on Day 1
Once again, from the school of "You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks", I bring you "Leave It". OK,…
Once again, the folks at Petfinder.com shows how much they care by finding unique ways to promote the adoption of av…
It might seem like a simple thing to you and me, but one of the great luxuries that you can afford any older dog is a c…
Finding a veterinarian for a dog of any age can be a daunting proposition if you think about all of the very stressful …
No pictures! I'm in witness protection! Boo Boo was never a fan of having his picture taken, even when there wa…
I recently came across the Kong Zoom Groom by accident while shopping in Petsmart for a rubber scrubbing mitt for Rusty…
Nancy Stern, a training consultant, author, and speaker in San Diego, reached out to me recently to share her experien…
I've posted on Facebook and Twitter that this was coming, but Coast News did an article on Rusty, Boo Boo, and …
One of the more remarkable books that I've read recently on training is, The Dog Listener, by Jan Fennell . The p…
Movie night back at the ranch Boo Boo was quite the connoisseur of fine television. Most of it involved the Si…
In between owning BooBoo and ultimately taking Rusty in, I questioned whether I had done enough. Had I done the right…
Rusty and I were interviewed by Lillian Cox at Coast Magazine News today. We're both exhausted with all of the at…
For my last two canine companions, I've gone to PetFinder.com to start my search. From what I can tell all of the…
As an avid reader, I've read my share of books on dogs, their care and feeding, training, stories, etc. You get t…
Rusty, Larry, and Wendy One person might not be able to save all of the dogs in trouble, but there are those folks w…
Boo Boo with his favorite bandanna The only comment on Boo Boo's chart when I brought him home from the shelter …
As a follow up to my post Roadkill: It's What's For Breakfast , Rusty wound up with a bout of colitis for a c…
Over the last couple of weeks the site has quickly been picking up steam. Thanks to everyone that has taken a moment …
I find that just like with people that dogs who are stimulated mentally on a regular basis are more happy. Here, Rust…
Congratulations to my pal, Rusty on dropping a couple of pounds. As a larger dog, I've learned that it pays to kee…
Updated: Hunter has been adopted into his forever home, including several furry family members! I'm called Hun…
Something pretty common with older dogs, especially those that have spend significant time outside on the cement is the…
There's nothing quite as good as a big comfy bed to rest your old bones in at the end of a hard day, except... …
I recently had someone at work ask me why I would get a dog so old, although I suspect the question was really, "…
In my quest to work on "Leave It" with Rusty, we were testing it out on a dried up squirrel carcass that was …
Rusty's a trouble-maker. He doesn't get along with other dogs. He's aloof. He's got aggression problems…
Have you ever returned home after a tiring day only to be met with an unpleasant surprise –a puddle of urine on the flo…